Welcome to Live Like a Millennial

About a year ago, I, Cindy Howes, became aware that I had been stuck in a time warp, not growing and not moving toward anything new or different.  At the same time, I realized that the younger folks just joining the workforce, the Millennial Generation, were living their passions in a global community.  They were embracing the changes in technology and other aspects of their world without hesitation.  So I vowed to explore this new world and learn how I could be more like those who were born after 1980.  I wanted to help Baby Boomers and others who felt stuck move into the new Millennium.

To help me do this I am relying on the support and wisdom of my Millennial son, Ian Ross.  Together we will write and edit this blog.  We will occasionally invite guest writers to join us.  We will also provide links to relevant supportive articles, pod casts, websites and videos.

We hope you will join us by responding with comments to our blog entries and by sending us your links and copies of relevant material.  We want to hear your stories.  Together we can embrace our emerging futures.

Some Principles for Live Like a Millennial
Here are some of the basic tenets of our blog:

  • We will inspire rather than scold.
  • We will give starting points rather than complete answers.
  • We will include people rather than rule them out based on some elitist categories.
  • We will entertain and delight as well as instruct and guide.
  • We will strive to live up to ourselves rather than look down at others.
  • We will not be too idealistic, fluffy or full of ourselves.
  • We will aspire to high goals and standards, admit to our limitations and celebrate our failures of effort and humanity.
  • We will have fun, too.
  • We will launch a 1000 other ideas and transport our fellow travelers to nascent successes spanning the globe.
  • We will be grateful for the past and “keep moving forward.”
  • Click on the Blog tab above to read our posts and join our conversation